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March 19, 2019

Ostara and the Spring Equinox

Ostara and the Spring Equinox

Rituals to Celebrate Spring

Spring is here! It's time to break the bonds of winter. How? This episode offers safe and simple rituals for groups and individuals, adults and children, to celebrate spring: Break chains. Plant symbolic seeds. Plant metaphysical seeds. Wake up the trees!

As one season begins, another season ends. In the excitement of welcoming the new, don't forget what has been left behind. 


Episode 27 of "5 Minute Feng Shui," a podcast by Kathryn Weber, in which she talks about wood and paints a vivid picture of the power of spring.

A 2017 article written by Arjun Walia in Collective Evolution, talking with Dr. James Oschman, a biologist from the University of Pittsburgh, about the benefits of going barefoot.