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Sept. 16, 2019

3 Wedding Rituals - Pandas, Moths, Flours

3 Wedding Rituals - Pandas, Moths, Flours

Creative wedding rituals to honor special guests

Can't have everyone you want in your wedding party? Don't give those special people boring tasks! Give them a meaningful role in your ceremony. How? With a creative wedding ritual. 

Here are 3 of my "gift-giving" rituals. One involves bamboo and is based on the couple's love of Giant Pandas. One uses lifelike, laser-cut moths. One was inspired by the groom's profession as a pastry chef. That ritual is based on the mythological properties of flours. 

See episodes 5, 6, and 10 for other gift-giving wedding rituals. 

Not planning a wedding? These rituals can easily be adapted for birthdays, retirement parties, and other occasions.